Yesterday was in fact the first day I consciously felt the effect from Listening to the mp3 product addressing issues brought on by behavioral dysfunction. Addiction to methamphetamine is a habit now spanning over 34 years long and counting. Ending the 2020 year was to initiate for what the last of many attempts to engage a practice to bring healing within the system controlling brain function. If I couldn’t beat the addiction after so very long at least I wanted to heal anything within the sound of Christopher’s voice. Proof to date that I still count myself present to this reality reinforces my desire to incorporate all I am able to make what was existing on the earth plane shift into an expression of living in gusto as a multidimensional light being. Now many months later, with the properties and tools offered through the gifts of Melchezidek Beings, Christopher & Mandy prep me to receive and affirm healing initiated esoterically, a preemptive requirement that gains more merit with me in this world that purposefully hides such methods perpetuating humanity’s ignorance to the fundamental process of creation. Restoration is well on the way relative to me. A grounding feeling I’ve never felt so intrinsically before yesterday aligns me with divinity, and i humbly accept without preconception that may sabotage anything I consider the “cherry on top, icing on the cake,“ or even “God Scotch” that I favor more as God Rum...Christopher & Mandy i offer that your expressions so harmoniously and divinely arranged from the ethers ever be so of optimum benefit to you as they are to all of us (me)! So much is your love not yet understood by this world
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There is hope after all. I admire your tenacity and surely you inspire others. You have me!