Hello to ever reads this. There’s not much activity on here. I assume that if there is chatting that it’s going on over on Facebook.
I had to leave Facebook. The totalitarian censorship upset me.
Today is the 10th anniversary of my massive heart attack which caused mt to live with heart failure.
The funny thing is, I don’t even have a stent. My cardiologist said, « Just bad luck. Well never know why you had a heart attack but all of your healthy habits kept you from dying ».
I’ve been busy using alternative therapies and clearing emotions since then but it’s been VERY difficult to let go of the idea that what I’m trying to accomplish is « impossible « while living in constant pain and discomfort.
ive come to the conclusion that there are few braver souls in the world than those of us who live with chronic illness and especially when it’s not always visible. BRAVO!!!
After my heart attack I asked God for a miracle and 2 years later I got it but then it screwed it up by buying into stress as well as a total rejection of traditional medicine. I stopped taking my meds for 2 years and almost died. It was interesting (although terrorizing at the time) that part of me was ready to go, but my daughters father died when they were 8 & 10 and I felt how much pain my husband and daughters would feel if I died.
Since Covid I’ve not been able to travel to see my nephew by marriage whose treatments are THE BOMB! (He saved my life.) So I asked God to find me a long distance healer a few months ago and BAM, God delivered!
I saw Christopher on Nicolas V’s channel & the very next day Simon Parkes CC group announced him as a speaker.
Confirmation baby! I tried on online group healing and I’m hooked! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Ha ha. This is great for me cause no one reads this stuff. A great opportunity for me to get it all out and let it go!
Oops. I didn't think that I actually
published this. Oh well...