Hello - I am new to this community. Love to everyone! I have seen disturbing things about the PCR tests containing nano particles which do similar things to the vaccine and begin the process of altering DNA. My line of work insists that I have 3 of these a week. I took a job for 10 weeks on this basis because I wanted to save some money ahead of the possible vaccine being brought out and made compulsory. I wanted to buy myself some time in case I was not allowed to work for a while. However, I now feel very uncomfortable about having had the tests and am worried they were more harmful than I thought. Does anyone know if these tests are indeed harmful and if anything can be done to alleviate this? Many thanks, Jane
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Yes, some PCR tests were poisoned with graphene, barium and rat poison. You will know because those tests are very painful. I received one of those.. my immunity is bad and am getting all the long covid symptoms..severe fatigue, joint problems, brain fog, blood clots from my nose, neurological twitching, loss of hair and heart palpitations. Medical doctors are refusing to admit this is a problem. The clots do not show up in D-dimer tests or blood tests. The clots are very sticky and the clots continue to grow.