I have suffered from Morgellons and a serious form at the same time of a skin mite called the pepper mite since May. All doctors dermatologists think your craxy. They steer you to a diagnosis of Psoriasis and dismiss your claims of skin crawling blue, red fibers coming out of your skin. I have posted this on another site but it will help you so much:
Yes there is something that will destroy the outer coating of that mite! It is called an enzyme destroyer and a hat breaks down the exoskeleton of scabies mites, and several other parasites for good! I found it on the web site naturalginesis. Com. It’s called Kleen green natural enzymes. This stuff is not a poison. The enzymes break down the mites them selves!!! There is hope! The bottle is a concentrate so you can pre mix and spray everything not just the house. Spray yourself 3 times a day! Or use 2 cups to a full bath. Soak in it for a hour when you first get it. The next days spray your self off 3 times a day. Permethrin, all the other crap out there even ivermectin they will get immune to not the enzymes which literally break them down! I hate these bastards and this will work for you! Call them in Tennessee at +1 (615) 790-6122ask for Cathy she has 22 years experience with the mites and Morgellons too! God bless! There is hope. I literally thought at one point to throw myself in front of a train!
Dee Slaviero: Just checkin' in! How are you managing now?
Sincerely wish your situation has improved tremendously since you last posted here. Sending you the life-giving properties of divine healing, wholeness + vitality, Dee...
May only the brightest blessings go your way as you find deep healing from Morgellons.
Please feel free to give us an update! Wishing you only the very best! 💖