In the healing sessions, Christopher often refers to a prayer to God which removes the burden of the collective anxiety energy of humanity on any individual and sends it to God to transmute it.
It's not in the prayer section.
Where does one find it?
Kindest regards,
Hello! This is the Prayer to Transmute Collective Emotion and can be found on our homepage at the bottom within the Blog posts😊 I am of God
I ground myself to the Earth
"Close your eyes for a moment, cup your hand over your heart, then turn it outward from your body"
Now Say:
"Dear God, this collective energy I have within my emotional body
Is NOT for me to process right now.
Therefore, I send it back to you God
to be transmuted and dispersed
in only the way you know how.
I thank you God and send you my unconditional love.
So Be It."